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Nick Mwendwa retains FKF presidential seat.

FKF president Nick Mwendwa

The Footbal Kenya Fideration (FKF) president Nick Mwendwa has retained his seat after beating four opponents during the election exercise that was carried out in Kasarani today October 17.

Nick managed to get 77 votes while his close opponent Lordvick Aduda gathered five votes. Aduda was the former chief executive officer for Gor Mahia footbal club. Coming third with three votes was former Footbal Kenya Fideration deputy chief executive officer Herbert Mwachiro.

Michael Ouma was elected as Nairobi regional chairman in the National FKF National Executive Committee elections. Ouma managed to get 59 votes while Tom Alila, who came second for the position gained 25 votes. Mr. Alila had earlier opted out of the presidential race to vie as regional chairman, (Nairobi region) in the National Executive Committee.

Nick Mwendwa casting his vote during elections in Kasarani

Benard Korir is the newly elected Upper Rift Valley national executive committee member after beating Nyongesa Masinde 34 to 21 votes.

North Eastern NEC seat was clinched by Ahmed Mohamed who beat Abdi Mohamed by 83 votes to three.

Margret Omondi managed to get 43 votes that saw her clinch the women representative position in the National Executive committee. Kerubo Momanyi Kerubo came second for the position with 42 votes, while Sally Bolo gathered no votes.

The newly elected National Executive committee officials are set to join their earlier elected counterparts.

Benard Lucas (Mc Ressy)
A media practitioner, event organizer, a writer and a poet. A world class motivational speaker.

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