There is widespread scare in Ugenya after an ODM Kibra activist posted in his facebook page that the ODM Kibra Chairman Mr. Jaconiah Onyango Junga has been admitted in a Nairobi hospital with Covid-19. The fear is heightened by the fact that duo visited Ugenya schools a-fortnight ago accompanied by a politician who has been accused of engaging in early campaigns.
The politician going by the name daktari Daniel Odhiambo visited several schools and mingled freely with students as he distributed sanitary pads packed in his campaign paraphernalia.
Also Read. Politician who mingles with minors in Ugenya schools put on Notice
“Just to Inform our friends that and ODM leadership within Kibra and Nairobi that Chairman Jeconiah Onyango Junga is admitted in Nairobi Hospital with COVID your prayers is needed” said a well known ODM Kibra activist Samson Ochieng Jera on his Facebook post this afternoon. He also later posted. “COVID IS REAL… ODM Chairman Kibra Constituency is admitted at Nairobi hospital. Let’s keep him in prayers”.
This revelation has got many residents worried because they visited many schools in Ugenya and mingled freely with students properly wearing masks and with little regard to social distance regulations. Photos of them shaking hands or putting their hands around the students went viral.
It took the intervention of the Ugenya security agencies for those activities to be halted in schools.