A middle-aged man has been arraigned before Principal Magistrate Anne Mwangi after he allegedly assaulted his mother with kitchen knife.
Mr Arvin Amuhanda Shayuga was charged with – among other changes – stabbing his mother multiple times, breaking thermos flask, destroying other property (which belonged to his mother).
It is said that Mr Arvin Amuhanda is said to have assaulted his mother on March 31 at the Kwanyama area in Riruta, Dagoreti Sub-county, within Nairobi County. There are no clear reasons that are said to have provoked the offender to turn against his mother, but it is being said that he wanted a happy life, which his mother did not offer him.
The Principal Magistrate Anne Mwangi directed that the accused person be supplied with a witness statement and documentary evidence that the prosecution intended to rely on.
The magistrate released him on Sh100,000 bond with a surety of the same amount. The matter will be mentioned on April 17 for further directions.
Arvin Amuhanda’s case isn’t the first one where someone assaulted his mother… Cases of young men turning against their parents aren’t new in Nairobi. Many cases have been reported where both ladies and men turn against their parents whenever they think that, in one way or the other, their parents are standing on their ways.