Azimio leader Raila Odinga has today met with the controversial preacher pastor Ezakiel Odero in Kilifi County.
The leader was in Kilifi County, Chonyi, where Raila had attended a burial ceremony. The two were spotted walking together and having a chat inside the televangelist’s church. From there, two were also seen at pastor Ezakiel’s mansion in Kilifi.
Pastor Ezakiel was released on Thursday after Shanzu Law Courts set free the televangelist on a bond of Sh3 million or cash bail of Sh1.5 million. Pastor Ezakiel has been embroiled in controversies after it was established that him and pastor Mackenzie were accomplices in illegal businesses which include crimes against humanity, money laundering among other allegations.
Pastor Mackenzie is alleged to have ordered for members of his church to fast and pray till they’d see Jesus Christ. This move made many people to lose their lives in hundreds.
The Azimio leader had earlier said that he’d sue President William Ruto over the arrest of the televangelist.