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ODM party resolves to impeach Okoth Obado following corruption charges

Migori Governor Okoth Obado is a troubled man following a resolution by the Orange Democratic Movement party to initiate an impeachment process against him.

The decision was communicated this evening by the party chairman Hon. John Mbadi after holding a consultative meeting in Nairobi with 37 ODM members of the Migori county assembly in attendance.According to Mbadi, 4 members of the Migori county Assembly sent an apology.

Mbadi further added that ODM does not condone corruption since they are keen on ensuring that devolution succeeds in all the 47 counties.The move comes barely five days after the embattled Migori governor Okoth Obado together with his children were accused of embezzling public funds to the tune of 73 million Kenya shillings.He was released on a cash bail of 8.75 million Kenya shillings and barred from accessing his office until the investigations are complete.His children and proxies were also released on various cash bails after denying all the charges leveled against them.

This latest move implies that the Migori members of county assembly will draft an impeachment motion against the governor and present the same to the county speaker for action.

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