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World Bank funds Climate-Smart Agriculture projects in Kenya

The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP), a World Bank funded project has issued grants worth ksh.18.9million in inputs and equipment to facilitate climate smart agricultural projects in Kakamega County, Western Kenya.

KCSAP aims to mitigate the effects of climate change by up scaling Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices and supporting smallholder farming and pastoral communities in the country.

According to the County Coordinator of Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP), Merina Adhiaya, the micro projects to be supported by the ksh.18.9m fund are in four value chains i.e. fish, poultry, dairy and African leafy vegetables.

Capacity building forums have already been conducted through Community Driven Development Committees (CDDCs) which also helped the farmers come up with proposals on the type of equipment and input they need to start the projects.

“The beneficiaries include Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and Vulnerable Marginalized Groups (VMGs) registered under five CDDCs operating at ward level across three sub counties of Malava, Navakholo, and Lurambi,” said Adhiaya.

She added that the CDDCs, which are responsible for coordination and management of funds for the micro projects, undertook procurement and are monitored by the KCSAP office to ensure the products being purchased meet the standards.

The Project Procurement Officer, Elias Lusiche confirmed that the farm products had been procured and distribution started last week after the delay occasioned by Covid-19 pandemic.

He noted that the delivery process will involve value chain mechanisms specialized in items across the four value chains to ascertain, inspect and confirm quantity, value as well as quality of the inputs and equipment.

In other related news, the Ksh.34m  Thiha /Sagana Irrigation Scheme project in Nyeri County is set to begin after the site for its construction was handed over to the contractor by the County Government of Nyeri, Central Kenya, reports Kilimo News.

The project is also funded by World Bank in partnership with the County Government of Nyeri under the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program.

It is slated to be completed in December this year and expected to benefit over 1,500 farmers from the current 300, increasing food production and in turn promoting food security.

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