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Teachers Service Commission to Hire Intern Teachers

Applicants Will not be Invited For Interview to Schools Where the Slot has an Active intern Teacher

Teachers Service Commission has come up with the most controversial score sheet since its inception. In the score sheet intern teachers have been awarded 30 marks mathematically, putting those without intern out of the contention. Furthermore, majority of the slots advertised in most schools involves subject combinations that already have intern teachers in those same schools.
Sources from the commission imply that TSC intended to deploy the intern teacher in the same stations. This is aimed at avoiding creating shortage of a teacher in those schools should the intern teacher secure job elsewhere. With the current situation of Covid 19, most schools might opt to forward this teacher to avoid the gathering as advised by MoE. A move Teachers Service Commission have no problem with whatsoever.

The Teachers’ Service Commission in Kenya has announced the vacancies for employment of 1,000 teachers into primary schools, another 1,000 teachers teaching in primary schools to be promoted into secondary school and 4,000 teachers to be employed in the secondary school section to curb the shortage occasioned by the 100% transition of learners from primary schools.

Of course, every TSC score sheet must have the winners and losers. The present one is laced with total disregard to the plight of the unemployed teachers.

It is openly punitive to every teacher who was not able to secure a position in the internship vacancies advertised in the past. What TSC disregards is the fact that all the unemployed teachers want to secure the internship posts.

Instead of these psychological games to the unemployed teachers, TSC should have just confirmed the interns from the first group that way. Giving interns 30 marks is preposterous.

The other baseless awarding of marks is on the level of performance as far as professional qualification is concerned. Whether you studied hard in campus of danced in all the bashes all through from the first year to the fourth, you are ranked alike in the second class upper and lower.

In the same score sheet, the pass, credit and distinction in Diploma have the same marks respectively as the pass, second class and first class in Degree. TSC should just set a level playing field and let the survival be for the fittest.

Bachelor of Education Science graduate Physics and Maths. Part time teacher Pangani Girls

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