Azimio One Kenya presidential candidate Raila Odinga is now the most popular presidential candidate should elections be called today.
In opinion polls conducted in all the 290 constituencies by research firm Infotrak Research and Consulting, 42 % of the respondents would vote for the former Prime Minister while 38 per cent said they would vote for Deputy president William Ruto. The polls however say about 17% are undecided or refused to answer the research question.
The Report also say Raila leads Nairobi with 50% followed by Ruto at 30%, Western province with 48% followed by Ruto at 28%, Nyanza with 73% followed by Ruto at 12%, Coast with 49% followed by Ruto at 29%, Northern Kenya with 49% followed by Ruto at 32% and Lower Eastern with 41% followed by Ruto at 32%.
Ruto on the other hand leads in Mount Kenya with 52% followed by Raila at 27%, South Rift with 59% trailed by Raila at 25%, and North Rift at 56% followed by Raila at 20%.
The report has categorised 20 counties as Raila’s stronghold, 16counties as Ruto’s strongholds and 11 counties as battlegrounds.